La casa de las lunas: San Miguel de Allende

Name: La casa de las lunas

Assisted Living, Specialized Medical Care & Rehabilitation
Memory Care
Temporary Stays, Winter Visitor & Snow Birds

Location:  Guanajuato. Mexico

For Mexican, American and Canadian residents, with or without disabilities, we provide care to older adults with down syndrome and autism. They have more than 20 years of experience.

0.00 0.0 MXN 0.00


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Amenities and services

Services covered by basic monthly payment

    • Water
    • Air-conditioning
    • Home maintenance
    • Pantry shopping
    • Security
    • television on the internet
    • cable television
    • Rent or mortgage

    Other services

    • Physical therapy
    • Psychological therapy
    • Spiritual guide


    • Swimming pool
    • Green areas
    • Dining room
    • Multi-area room


    • Ramps
    • Adapted bathrooms
    • Walls with supports
    • Doctor's office
    • therapy room